Our Process
Learners Purse Foundation is a growing ecosystem of educational philanthropy that serves as a trusted platform for giving and receiving, establishing links between sponsors, donors, and children who require educational aid.
The foundation has registered kids that have either been matched with direct sponsors (Linked Learners) or sponsored by the foundation (Unlinked Learners). All recipients are onboarded as Unlinked Learners and remain so until they have a direct sponsor.
For direct sponsorship, all funds received from sponsors are solely expensed on the child/children being sponsored, with payments funded per academic year or term by each sponsor. Conversely, Unlinked Learners are funded through grants and donations to the foundation.

Supporting a child's education has a profound impact on the child's future and ultimately helps in building the nation.
Fulfillment of Objectives
At no instance are parents or guardians given funds for this purpose. To ensure the fulfillment of foundation objectives, fees are paid directly into schools' accounts.
The selection of award benefiaciaries is prioritized based on severity, academic performance and availability of funds. Details provided for prospective beneficiaries are subject to scrutiny and validation.
If the beneficiary has never been to school or changed location, we source for great but reasonably priced schools nearest to the beneficiary's residence. Otherwise, recipients may be permitted to return to the schools they attended before life happened.
We keep a tab on beneficiaries' performance in school through appropriate channels.

We desire that all beneficiaries succeed as they progress through school. However, beneficiaries with persistently low performance may be eliminated from the program to create opportunities for other prospective candidates.